Today we are taking the first step in our quest to learn the most amazing diet strategies that will help us to burn fat, loose weight, and transform our bodies in a rapid and healthy way. We will be paying close attention to the proper caloric intake, healthy food choices, the right timing strategies, supplementation, and the best meal options for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. We are aiming to promote fat and weight loss, general health and improve our workout performance. You guys are working out with me on a regular basis and what we need is a diet strategy that will give us the energy for our training, and that will speed up our progress. For most people, myself included, there is so much room for improvement when it comes to diet. Once we begin to optimize our diet approach and fuse it together with our intense training sessions, we are going to achieve a much higher level of fitness. After this we will build an army and take over the world. Freddy is already working on our uniform designs.?I would like to stress that we will be talking about diet as it relates to fat loss and fitness. If you have a medical condition like heart disease, diabetes, eating disorder, etc. ? you should be talking to your doctor about the best diet approach for that specific health problem.We are going to kick things off next time by talking about our caloric intake and how much food we should be eating.

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