Posted by Isaac Hammer on Sunday, September 18, 2011 ? Leave a Comment?
Life is short, brutish, and filled with mon?sters try?ing to eat?you.
Dragon?s Dogma, sched?uled for an early 2012 release for both PS3 and Xbox360, had two quests playable at TGS. ?Up first was the Field Quest, pit?ting you against the fly?ing Grif?fin. ?New to the demo was the abil?ity to have your Pawns help boost you into the air, to grab the onto the mon?ster a la Shadow of the Colos?sus. ?Once securely attached, you could bring the beast down with a flurry of strikes, open?ing it to a rather long period of time for your entire party to gang up on?it.
In addi?tion, there was an entirely new trailer, now avail?able?here. Not only does this trailer con?tinue flesh?ing out the story, it also shows a wide range of addi?tional mon?sters and loca?tions that will be com?ing at you in the com?pleted game.
Addi?tion?ally, from the other videos at Tokyo Game Show, you will have the abil?ity to send your Main Pawn (a char?ac?ter cre?ated and editable NPC) out into other play?ers? games. ?While this was already announced, the new info is that when your Pawn returns, they will have learned from their expe?ri?ences away, under?stand?ing and even being able to tell you about ene?mies? weak?nesses or the lay out of the dungeon.
I?ll hold the beast, you get to the Cap?com?booth!
Filed under News, Playstation 3, Previews, Xbox 360 ? Tagged with Capcom, gaming, news, playstation 3, ps3, TGS, Tokyo Game Show, video games, xbox 360
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